
NaNoWriMo Break: How to Write

Part of a month-long series of inspirational or informational posts during NaNoWriMo. Why am  I saving Heather Havrilesky’s rather profanity-laden-yet-detailed explanation of exactly how to write at this, the penultimate NaNoWriMo post? Because it’s actually rather long — and I’m hoping you’re catching this as part of an extended post-Thanksgiving break. You probably need a laugh at this point. Home stretch people. See you again on Monday!

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NaNoWriMo Break: Daily Habits of Writers

Part of a month-long series of inspirational or informational posts during NaNoWriMo. To kick off this month-long series, what better way than to look at some of the methods employed by some accomplished writers? Mind you, depending on what dayjob or other tasks you’re fitting into the month, these may not all be feasible, but they may get wheels turning about how you’ll structure your days over the next few weeks.

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