Art is a Luxury, Except when it’s Sustenance
TED Talks are probably good fodder for Monday Motivation posts, and here’s a good one, especially for creatives wondering about why they’re doing what they’re doing.
TED Talks are probably good fodder for Monday Motivation posts, and here’s a good one, especially for creatives wondering about why they’re doing what they’re doing.
I mean, a lot. I mean, when you consider that the man was a philologist, that’s already a specialty type of academic nerdery. Now, this may not be surprising to avowed Tolkien fans, but for the rest of us who did not sail through The Silmarillion without failing asleep, this is the video for you! If, for no other reason, you’re a casual reader who never could get what the deal was with Tom Bombadil,…
I first saw this via, you may have seen it on Facebook. We’re at this point of the pandemic. Lord help us all, possibly Lydia Cambron first (I mean, I love it, but if there’s anything we can do…)
So, it’s basically a week of referencing similar topics to last week. Case in point, this past Friday, I rediscovered one of my favorite YouTube listmakers, Cinefix, who had a great list of uplifting or otherwise engaging films to check out during our current pandemic existence. So, of course, I clicked around some of their lists to find some videos I missed before or had forgotten and came across this gem: The onscreen title is…
Hey, I posted a “debunking” video last week, so I figured, why not do more? This time, it’s a topic that’s just as evergreen, though the tech landscape changes frequently.
This was released back in April, but I feel like I could use it even more now, as there’s no end to the quarantining in sight here in the U.S. (also, I’m beginning to try and watch some “muse-see” films in prep for my biennial Favorite Films exercise). One of the things I love about the Cinefix videos is that they love rattling off any number of films in the run-up for the official Top…
It’s a busy week, so just one post. I don’t know who needs this bit of delightful wackiness, but someone you know does.
Having been clued into the number of wonderful Adam Savage videos, I stumbled across this video, which shows the Mythbusting alum take on the daunting task of organizing Legos in the thorough way he is wont to. We have found working on Lego sets to be a very good use of our indoor time during the pandemic, so I’m not sure if we’re going to try something this thorough, but it does give one ideas…
The time-tested pop culture event that is the San Diego Comic Con is virtual this year thanks to the pandemic, so I believe the videos are online sooner than ever before. On Monday, I posted the Star Trek panel, but as longtime readers may recall, I love Farscape, so of course I watched this panel: