Various and Sundry Writing

More Context for the 2023 Writers’ Strike

So the not-quite-a-week-old writers’ strike is still on my mind, in part because much of the online forums I visit are full of, well, writers. So here’s a few more resources that I feel give you a bit more context about what’s being demanded, how the studios usually respond and what is officially on the table. First up, an 8 1/2 minute video from Nerdist that sums up the strike: If you’ve been following other…

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And so it begins: Writers’ Strike 2023

Last Thursday, I wrote a little bit about the potential strike between the Writers Guild and the major studios (those groups are generalizations, nuance with the links). The contract between the WGA and AMPTP expired last night with no extension. That means as of this writing, about 11,500 writers of film and television are on strike. Discussions have popped up on various online forums I’m part of and even at my dayjob, so I figured…

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Standby for Pencils Down

In the host of posts on this site, this one may be one of the least evergreen, but I had mention something about the impending, still-might-be-avoided WGA strike set to go into effect this coming week on May 2nd. The Writer’s Guild membership has overwhelmingly voted to authorize a strike, and strike guidelines have been sent out. Not only that, the Writer’s Guild has a recent victory –a major one that you may not have…

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