Various and Sundry

The Changing Landscape of Northern Virginia

What a difference 60-odd years makes! Well, okay, I would wonder how things wouldn’t change in 60-odd years in a particular area, but Jill Devine did an article this past December for Northern Virginia magazine that’s chock full of photographs and various milestones of how the region has changed… in many ways quite dramatically. For locals and naturalized locals, it’s sure to trigger some memories.

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Various and Sundry

The World’s Newest Purpose-Built Capital

It could be all the games of Civ and SimCity, but I find the real-life construction of dedicated national capitals to be fascinating, from Brasília to Canberra to, oh, yeah, Washington, DC in my neck of the woods. Well, there’s a new kid on the purpose-built capital block, and its name is Nusantara. After over 70 years of Jakarta being Indonesia’s de facto and then de jure capital, the government made its first concrete steps…

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