Various and Sundry

They Like Me, They Really Like Me… But not as Best Picture

Earlier this week, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (aka the people behind the Oscars) announced they were adding a “Best Popular Movie” category. (I mean, it’ll probably be called “most bestest outstanding achievement in popular film” or something like that, but you know what I mean). On the one hand, it’s their awards and award process, so change away. On the other hand, why shouldn’t they tweak and adjust and change their…

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Recommended Reading: The Hugo Awards and the Pop Culture Zeitgeist

Amy Wallace expands and updates her look at this year’s Hugo Awards and the people involved that she first reported on in August. I found the first version very illuminating and this latest version is just that or more so: really going into some of the personalities and passions on the different sides. It’s certainly true that you should write from your own perspective. Chasing trends is generally not an ingredient in a unique voice.…

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