Various and Sundry

A Monster for Every Taste!

As many of my fellow filmmakers know, I’m not overfond of most horror films (apologies to Lonnie and my other filmmaking colleagues who love ’em). At the same time, I do love “creature features.” This is probably due to two reasons. First, like many kids of my generation, I enjoyed the steady stream of good, bad, and less-than-spectacular kaiju films played endlessly on TV on Saturday afternoons. In our case, it was good ol’ WDCA, Channel 20…

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I Guess It’s Too Late to Change the Site Name…

There is a theory that placing two coat hangers in a closet produces more coat hangers through some frenzied yet illogical process of inorganic reproduction that’s best left unexamined outside of a Philip K. Dick short story. If someone suggested that placing two web articles in the Internet equivalent of a closet would produce an article about writing, I would believe them (whether or not the person suggesting it was Phillip K. Dick). This may explain the overwhelming amount of articles about…

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20 Minutes (or so) to Motivation

I realized that I have a number of potential posts that relate to motivation, so for at least the next few weeks, I’ll have Motivation Mondays! Because that sounds like exactly the kind of engagement program corporate HR would institute. Anyway, I came across a pair of articles by Melissa Dahl in New York magazine. One is about how to motivate yourself to work when you don’t want to, which provides an intro to the…

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Voiceover Update: Virginia Lottery (& Corvettes)

I grew up with all sorts of creative Virginia Lottery spots, so it was fun to be a part of one. Much like my recent work for the highway safety spot, I can’t find a link to the specific ads I’m in online, but if you hear a Smithers-sounding flunky in the radio spots for Virginia Lottery’s Corvettes & CA$H scratchers… yes, that’s me. The radio spots started around June 6th and should still be going…

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Producing Various and Sundry

The Different Audiences of a Business Plan

The folks over at Entrepreneur created an article outlining the different types of audiences you may have for your business plan. I love this, because so many people like to harp on “your business plan” as if it’s this One Holy Thing your business needs — without defining it beyond the black box of the buzzword term “business plan.” (See also vision statement, mission statement, term du jour that boils down to knowing what you’re trying to…

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Various and Sundry

Plato, Plumbers, and Lifelong Learning

My brothers and I definitely benefited from parents who instilled an enjoyment of learning in us. We like finding out more about something for its own sake, delving deeper, and, yes, we all still get a little sad thinking about what happened to the Library of Alexandria some centuries ago. Now we’re trying to figure out what our parents did specifically, because we have kids of our own. Kids who need to read, write, or…

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Voiceover Update: Our Roads, Our Safety

You may have heard my voice in a DOT spot last year for road safety. Well, the spot is hitting the airwaves again with a slight tweak. Update: Dang it, they removed the video with the voiceover, but hopefully you’ll still be able to hear the spot on the airwaves. You can learn more about the Our Roads, Our Safety campaign on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s web site.

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Paying the Writer

After last week’s post about being a self-sufficient artist who slices, dices –and probably self-publishes– I thought it was a good idea to look at the evergreen topic of creatives not getting paid. Writers being undervalued and being underpaid is an oft-told tale — and not just because there are writers around to write about it. Writer Matt Wallace created a freelance rebuttal guide that covers about just every usual reason given to not pay writers — or…

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Acting Producing Voiceover Writing

Recommended Reading: Artistry & Entrepreneurship

A certain cavegirl reminded me of a long article in The Atlantic by William Deresiewicz charting the evolution of “the artist.” I first read it a couple years ago, but it remains quite relevant in 2017 — perhaps more so. It delves into what it means to be “a creative” in the world today and even touches on the commodification of “being creative.” Commodification isn’t the only concept in the article that triggered memories of my…

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