
Film Festivals, Rejection, and Letting Films Escape

Ah, film festivals. Getting into one is always gives a good sense of validation to a filmmaker — and the best are a delight to attend as both filmmaker and audience member. But what if your film doesn’t make it in? I’ve known Jon Gann for most of this century and I know all the work he’s done in creating, improving, and advising film festivals. So when I saw he wrote a pair of articles about why films don’t get…

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Mr. Gravitas, Paul Frees

Okay, I’m double-dipping here, because we posted the same links on the Jabberwocky Audio Theater website today. However, it’s not only a busy week, but I’m coming off of recording the first season of Quorum, so I’ve got voiceover artists on my mind. And really, when isn’t a good time to check out Paul Frees’ demo tape? It feels wrong to call him “inimitable,” because not only do people imitate him, Frees was a master…

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Site Update

My Social Media Strategy, Revealed

Not unlike business plans, it seems like one needs to have a “social media plan” these days. In the past year, many people I know have abandoned Twitter or left Facebook or joined Instagram. And I seem to be in the midst of that periodic flurry of people following me on Twitter or giving me a long treatise about why they want to connect with me on LinkedIn. So for future edification, but mainly for…

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Various and Sundry

They Like Me, They Really Like Me… But not as Best Picture

Earlier this week, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (aka the people behind the Oscars) announced they were adding a “Best Popular Movie” category. (I mean, it’ll probably be called “most bestest outstanding achievement in popular film” or something like that, but you know what I mean). On the one hand, it’s their awards and award process, so change away. On the other hand, why shouldn’t they tweak and adjust and change their…

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Various and Sundry

What’s in a Married Name?

For the past few weeks, I’ve been handling the catering orders for our Jabberwocky Audio Theater recording sessions and revisited one of my life’s perennial sources of both comedy and drama. People get flustered with my name. This, in and of itself, is not an issue. It’s more when people seem to feel that I somehow picked this name just to make their lives more difficult is where it gets annoying. All of you with “odd” names…

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Making Connections by Making Art and Making Art that Makes Connections

Most of the creatives I know instinctively want an audience. When they think about why, the immediate answers of “someone who likes my work” or “someone who buys my stuff” are natural. I mean, what’s not to like about emotional and financial validation? Bring forth the audience! But building an audience is hard. In fact, it’s something of a slog — a seemingly Sisyphean slog (which I’m experiencing first-hand as I try and build an audience for…

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Screenwriting & the Perils of Pitch Fests

If you’re a regular listener of Scriptnotes, you’ll know that the hosts (especially Craig Mazin) have little time for screenwriting “gurus.” So you probably won’t be surprised by the this article by Stephen Galloway that was in The Hollywood Reporter earlier this week all about the high cost and non-return of many a “pitch fest” held in New York and L.A.

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Various and Sundry

Delia Derbyshire and the Doctor Who Theme

I know I’m not the only one who grew up collecting movie and TV soundtracks… and the opening themes of many works retain an almost Pavlovian response on me (and I’ve also tested this on my kids in the name of parent science: the Fraggle Rock theme still works). So naturally, I thought of the memorable Doctor Who theme what with the current sweepstakes I’m participating in (as Jabberwocky Audio Theater). Josh Jones over at…

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Various and Sundry

Building an Audience or why I’m happy if some of you sign up for a sweepstakes…

One of the biggest things an indie writer needs to do is to build their audience. Furiously hard-working scribe and publisher Russell Nohelty has been trying to figure out ways to do that — and share what he knows. You may remember me talking about him and his efforts to help you sell your soul last year. Well, fast forward to this year and my main outlet of writing is, of course, Jabberwocky Audio Theater.…

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