Acting Raves

Ready for another adventure so soon? Farewell, Ian Holm.

As he was 88, I guess I shouldn’t ask “so soon?,” but news of Ian Holm’s passing is sad news for me this Friday. We collectively have seen him in so much. You can read more about him and his career from articles and related material at: The BBC (a remembrance and an obituary that gives more detailed credits). The Hollywood Reporter Guardian (which also has a great photo spread) and many others. I…

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Guidance for Filmmaking in a COVID World

Starting last Friday, Hollywood began starting to tentatively resume work since basically all major productions shut down. This does mean a fair number of changes, from face masks for audience members to ending buffet meals on set. The industry has created a pretty detailed white paper (note the link is a PDF) that covers recommended actions from personal hygiene to food on set to particular production concerns. For those of us that aren’t major studio…

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Various and Sundry

The Worst Derelict Spaceships to Board

I’ve mentioned science fiction tropes here before, back in 2016 and also this year. Heck, I’ve even written a Jabberwocky Audio special that parodies the many tales of crews boarding derelict ships. This is quite established, as the crew over at Generation Films knows well: Warning, this will have spoilers for The film Ad Astra The TV series The Expanse The video game Dead Space The film Sunshine The film Alien The film Predators The film Event Horizon The film Pandorum

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Producing Various and Sundry

Business, Heal Thyself

I know a lot of self-employed and small business folk who are hurting during this pandemic. And for my own business, we’ve needed to rethink how and what we’re doing. One of those entrepreneurial, self-employed friends, Russell Nohelty, wrote a post about how he retools his business… as he has done many times. It’s a non-trivial amount of time –especially if you haven’t done it before– and figuring out how to best attribute the costs…

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Various and Sundry

Commence Docking Procedures!

In a little under two hours, if all goes well, there will be a rocket launch to the ISS via Space X (you can catch NASA’s live feed here). If you want to wile away a couple hours, you can get good at docking the Dragon capsule with the ISS in a simulator using similar controls to what the astronauts are about to use. Be warned though, it takes patience and precision. But as gastronaut…

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Various and Sundry Writing

How to Pronounce Names in Dune from the Great Maker’s Mouth

I’m still debating whether or not to rewatch or reread the various version of Dune leading up to this Fall’s new film adaptation. One definite thing I want them to get right? How to pronounce all those names. Of course, it might help if we all knew how to pronounce the names. So that’s where one superfan comes in. He’s compiled Herbert saying a bunch of the names, none of which are presumably a killing…

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Acting Producing Writing

Theater in the Time of Coronavirus

All sorts of physical businesses are suffering during this global pandemic and I know many people, dependent on in-person gigs for their livelihood who now have no income stream (to say nothing of creative freelancers, as one Nation article notes). So this video posted last week by Joseph Haj, artistic director of the Guthrie Theater resonated: I was lucky enough to grow up going to the theater and live performances frequently, something I’ve tried to…

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