Various and Sundry

Short (& Long) Suggestions for Your Reading and Viewing Pleasure

Finding time to read, or catch up with films, seems all the more difficult these days, so I pored over this list from various critics at The Guardian, who apparently are annoyed at the increasing length of films and heft of novels and have a slew of suggestions of how to get all the artsy goodness you want in a smaller package. I haven’t seen all the films nor read all the novels listed. In…

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Acting Voiceover

Apollyon is Back (and I’m in it)

I swear it was just last year that I has a couple small parts in a thoughtful science fiction, but I checked and season one of Apollyon came out in 2021. Well, season two just premiered last week and you’ll me as Riley a few times in the season… but really, you’ll want to tune in to find out what main character Theo Ramsey will do after the revelations of season one. Also, I have…

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Various and Sundry

The Red Envelopes of Netflix Ride Off into the Sunset

I was all ready with another post for today when this popped into my inbox yesterday afternoon: You can learn more about the decision in these articles in The Hollywood Reporter, Gizmodo, and Reuters among others. Even though this decision makes perfect sense –I guess there have to be less than 2 million of us red envelope cinemaniacs left– it’s quite the bummer. For almost all of those 25 years, I have been the recipient…

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Producing Voiceover

The Wild (and possibly Sheb Wooley) Origins of the Wilhelm Scream

Based on the news I read this weekend, there was absolutely no reason I was not going to share the glorious discovery of the original recording session that gave the work The Wilhelm Scream. You can learn a great background of the Wilhelm Scream on Mental Floss from 2018, recently updated with this latest news. Jim Vorel has a good article on the news for Paste, an article also referenced by Luke Plunkett for Kotaku…

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Various and Sundry

More on Star Wars and World-building

So, I’m clearly not in tune with all fandom news because then I would have realized that the trailer I shared for the latest volume of Star Wars: Visions on Wednesday was but one output of a massive Star Wars marketing shindig last week (aka Star Wars Celebration 2023). There’s numerous articles about the various announcements made at the event, but I found myself interested in one 19-minute interview with showrunners Dave Filoni and John…

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Various and Sundry

Expanding the Star Wars brand with more Visions

I know. For a blog that has quite a lot of posts about Star Trek, what am I doing talking about magical space wizards? Because magical space wizards are fun. As with plenty of other Gen Xers, Star Wars was a big part of my childhood. I also grew up with a lot of samurai films and anime (something else shared by plenty of Gen Xers I’ve met.). So when Disney announced they were releasing…

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Jack Kirby and Autobiographical Elements of Captain America

I haven’t gotten around to reading more about Jack Kirby’s life (Mark Evanier’s book is on my to-read list), so I found this article by Roy Schwartz about how much of Kirby’s life went into Captain America intriguing. For example, I didn’t know much, if anything, about Kirby’s service in World War II, something that I’d be interested in learning about all the comic creators of that era (similar to what was covered with the…

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Producing Writing

The Anthropology of The Expanse

How I managed to miss this article last year is something I chalk up to the vast depth of the Internet, but still: I love The Expanse and part of that ardor is absolutely the multi-layered world-building. Those of you who have checked out my space opera Rogue Tyger and its ever-growing “Encyclopedia of the Imperium” will not be surprised at that fact. So I was all into this article by James Hoare for The…

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Nothing Gold Can Stay: Prestige TV Edition

Facebook is happily showing me posts from 10 years ago, which –more often than not– relate to The Broken Continent: a fantasy web series I and others produced back before you would instantly ask “what streaming service is the series on?” That would all begin to change in 2013 as the likes of House of Cards and Orange is the New Black made the industry take notice of “streaming” in ways it hadn’t. Honestly, considering…

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One Week in Rochester

To kick off this week, where I’m fitting in writing every moment I reasonably can, I’m thinking of an article I read last year, knowing I’d want to share it on the blog at some point. It’s a little quiet memoir of a piece, about a young student shepherding a visiting writer about the city of Rochester, New York. Is Alison Smith’s piece about wandering about town with Ursula Le Guin writing motivation? Maybe. Maybe…

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