Raves Various and Sundry

A Viewing Guide for Babylon 5

With the announcement of a B5 animated feature, I have been reminded that many people have not seen the original Babylon 5, that ambitious and inventive science fiction series from the 1990s. As of May 2023, you can currently watch the entire series for free on Tubi as well as renting or buying it streaming on Amazon. But should you watch Babylon 5? My answer is a resounding yes if you: This last factor of…

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Acting Various and Sundry Writing

The Court Jester’s Duel with Ravenhurst is great. Get it?

I am still following accounts of the Writers’ Strike, which looks like it’ll be a long one, but while you can continue to check out information, like the Strike Diaries from the Hollywood Reporter, for today, I wanted to just post about film, specifically a great example where writing, performance, and fight choreography comes together beautifully. I’m talking about the climactic duel in the 1956 comedy The Court Jester. I love the duel because, as…

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Various and Sundry

“AI” is BS (and NSFW on several levels)

Come on, between a key demand of the Writer’s Strike being the regulation of AI in screenwriting and some of my other posts about AI this year, did you really think I wouldn’t share this half-hour comedy screed from Adam Conover? It may be foul-mouthed, but it is funny. However, if you’re looking for a TL;DR one might sum it up as such: And did I mention it’s foul-mouthed? Beware around kindern and co-workers who…

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Various and Sundry Writing

More Context for the 2023 Writers’ Strike

So the not-quite-a-week-old writers’ strike is still on my mind, in part because much of the online forums I visit are full of, well, writers. So here’s a few more resources that I feel give you a bit more context about what’s being demanded, how the studios usually respond and what is officially on the table. First up, an 8 1/2 minute video from Nerdist that sums up the strike: If you’ve been following other…

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And so it begins: Writers’ Strike 2023

Last Thursday, I wrote a little bit about the potential strike between the Writers Guild and the major studios (those groups are generalizations, nuance with the links). The contract between the WGA and AMPTP expired last night with no extension. That means as of this writing, about 11,500 writers of film and television are on strike. Discussions have popped up on various online forums I’m part of and even at my dayjob, so I figured…

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Various and Sundry

It’s the structure of the economy, stupid!

Some of you may recall an article I linked to back in February which documented how there’s now a business model, most evident in the technology sphere, that has been optimized without the customer in mind (well, assuming the customer doesn’t want a crap experience). Well, turns out the Cory Doctorow article is part of an overall book called Chokepoint Capitalism, and he talks about some of the findings in the book with fellow disenchanted…

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Standby for Pencils Down

In the host of posts on this site, this one may be one of the least evergreen, but I had mention something about the impending, still-might-be-avoided WGA strike set to go into effect this coming week on May 2nd. The Writer’s Guild membership has overwhelmingly voted to authorize a strike, and strike guidelines have been sent out. Not only that, the Writer’s Guild has a recent victory –a major one that you may not have…

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Various and Sundry

It’s Not Your Father’s Computer… It’s Your Great Grandfather’s Computer

I am interested in technological progress (not just fun with machine learning bumbling into the creative sphere). And it’s usually about progress and how we might want to examine our societal decisions about how fast we’re going. So imagine my surprise when I read this article in Wired by Charles Platt about how analog computing is making a comeback. Oh, this is giving me story ideas…

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Various and Sundry

Short (& Long) Suggestions for Your Reading and Viewing Pleasure

Finding time to read, or catch up with films, seems all the more difficult these days, so I pored over this list from various critics at The Guardian, who apparently are annoyed at the increasing length of films and heft of novels and have a slew of suggestions of how to get all the artsy goodness you want in a smaller package. I haven’t seen all the films nor read all the novels listed. In…

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Acting Voiceover

Apollyon is Back (and I’m in it)

I swear it was just last year that I has a couple small parts in a thoughtful science fiction, but I checked and season one of Apollyon came out in 2021. Well, season two just premiered last week and you’ll me as Riley a few times in the season… but really, you’ll want to tune in to find out what main character Theo Ramsey will do after the revelations of season one. Also, I have…

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