Various and Sundry

Lego Organizing: The Adam Savage Method

Having been clued into the number of wonderful Adam Savage videos, I stumbled across this video, which shows the Mythbusting alum take on the daunting task of organizing Legos in the thorough way he is wont to. We have found working on Lego sets to be a very good use of our indoor time during the pandemic, so I’m not sure if we’re going to try something this thorough, but it does give one ideas…

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Raves Various and Sundry

“I’m standing in a very happy place right now” Behind-the-scenes of Hamilton

As I mentioned the other week, we saw Hamilton along with a good many millions of people at the beginning of the month… and that’s led to listening to the soundtrack non-stop the following weekend, at least one rewatch so far, and delving into all sorts of reading and watching of supplemental material. Just about none has topped my theater geeky glee quite like seeing Adam Savage looking at the props used in Hamilton. As…

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