Various and Sundry

And the Quadcopters’ Red Glare…

I can’t believe I hadn’t already shared this on the blog, so here’s something quite appropriate to share for Independence Day: because what’s more exciting than fireworks? Flying through fireworks! This did lead me to wonder about how much drones have been used to fly through fireworks since then, which led to the always enjoyable comic XKCD. Look. We’re probably in another timeline at this point, but watch out.

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Various and Sundry

Say, what do the Brits think about July 4th?

Thanks to us living in the age of memes, I frequently see and sometimes post things like this right around this time: But what do the Brits really think these days? I mean, after all, we’ve got a special relationship with the UK that gets its own Wikipedia entry! Well, trust a Brit to break it to you gently: Note: there’s actually several YouTube videos on this subject if you really want to check out…

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Various and Sundry

The Rap on Moon Knight

Not quite as late in coming as Monday’s blog post, but still a bit behind the times, but as some of you readers may recall from back in January, I am a Moon Knight fan. Moon Knight went through several versions even during the time I followed the comics — and I knew that this adaptation would likely use some newer sources. I also hoped the adaptation would speak to the here and now in…

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Various and Sundry

Cities… but Why?

Play enough Civilization and you ponder why the AI places cities where it sometimes does. I’m pretty sure said AIs have never watched this video by Wendover Productions. Now, if you’re wondering why cities exist in the first place, well, first off, lovers of both Civilization and SimCity will look at you sadly… or maybe longingly, knowing how many accumulated hours, month, and years you haven’t been playing Civilization and SimCity. More importantly, however, you…

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Various and Sundry

Still the Best Space Dad

When I came across this article by Nitesh Srivastava on, I was about to post a longer piece about what Benjamin Sisko… but then I realized I already did that for Father’s Day last year. Srivastava is focusing on how Sisko is, perhaps, the most relatable of the Starfleet captains, because, although Sisko shares incredible heroism with his peers, he does things we recognize we might do. Also, I’m pretty sure I could not…

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Various and Sundry

Some Kind of Blue… Always

If someone asks me my favorite color, I usually don’t mention how it’s shifted over the years or how no one seemed to share my favorite color growing up or how I don’t necessarily have a favorite per se now, more favorite several hues and shades over others. So I just say, “Blue.” It’s a safe pick, especially when it comes to wardrobe choices (it goes with my eyes). Why, there’s even a quietly subversive…

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Various and Sundry

The Industrial Revolution & Comparative Richness of Modern Society

Once upon a time, before the Internet was in full bloom, my dad decided to look through the latest U.S. Army guides on countries (now known as “country studies”) and compile economic data to determine people’s standard of living in various countries based on GDP and local buying power. He did this for fun. It was how he rolled. Since I had recently been living and studying in Indonesia (and yes, my dad gave me…

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Producing Various and Sundry

The Hollywood War Machine

Top Gun: Maverick performed some “best of the best” box office maneuvers when it opened Memorial Day weekend and continues to do well. The original film proved to be as much a recruitment commercial as popcorn movie… and this sequel’s premiere aboard an aircraft carrier, Midway (now a museum ship), hints that this newest film will perform similarly. As a cinemaniac who’s seen more than a few military-themed movies over the decades, Hollywood’s connection to…

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Various and Sundry

Fine. The Whole History of the Planet. I guess…

So, last week, I figured we Internet denizens needed a dance break (and hey, being a movie buff, it was a good mash-up), so why not do another video post? This time, it comes from the musically-inclined Bill Wurtz (technically, bill wurtz?)… and it gives a summary of the whole planet (human-centric, naturally). Note that there is not-safe-for-work (NSFW) language and it’s irreverent throughout, including at least one event that you would like to get…

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