Various and Sundry

Drunk and Coke

In last Friday’s post about the not-so-secret history of Fanta, the author of the Atlas Obscura article goes a little bit into the history of Coca-Cola itself (since that company begat Fanta). And got me thinking a bit more about the origins of Coke and cocaine and then I got to Drunk History, a series that, if you’re in the right frame of mind (or sheets to the wind) is tremendously fun. Happy Friday!

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Raves Various and Sundry

Stranger Things’ Subtitles are the Squelchiest

Maybe it’s the overwhelming melting pot of 80s that speaks to my Gen X self. Maybe it’s the fact that this past season has included the best Munsons since Logan (the quality and fate of characters named Munson throughout media is a post for another time). In any case, I’ve very much enjoyed the latest installments of Stranger Things, what we were almost certain was the last season, but… it’s not. So many fun touches…

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Various and Sundry

Those Wacky Theater People: Sweeney Hamilton Edition

This past weekend, seeing as it was Independence Day and all, I had an opportunity to introduce my sister to what comfortably remains one of my favorite musicals: Hamilton. Little did I know that the cast once did a version of Hamilton’s opening number as if they were the musical Sweeney Todd, another one of my favorites. Of course, given the hijinks (and shenanigans and tomfoolery) are endemic among theater folk, so I suppose I…

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Various and Sundry

And the Quadcopters’ Red Glare…

I can’t believe I hadn’t already shared this on the blog, so here’s something quite appropriate to share for Independence Day: because what’s more exciting than fireworks? Flying through fireworks! This did lead me to wonder about how much drones have been used to fly through fireworks since then, which led to the always enjoyable comic XKCD. Look. We’re probably in another timeline at this point, but watch out.

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Various and Sundry

Say, what do the Brits think about July 4th?

Thanks to us living in the age of memes, I frequently see and sometimes post things like this right around this time: But what do the Brits really think these days? I mean, after all, we’ve got a special relationship with the UK that gets its own Wikipedia entry! Well, trust a Brit to break it to you gently: Note: there’s actually several YouTube videos on this subject if you really want to check out…

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Various and Sundry

The Rap on Moon Knight

Not quite as late in coming as Monday’s blog post, but still a bit behind the times, but as some of you readers may recall from back in January, I am a Moon Knight fan. Moon Knight went through several versions even during the time I followed the comics — and I knew that this adaptation would likely use some newer sources. I also hoped the adaptation would speak to the here and now in…

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