Now’s the time of year where many of us muse about what we’d do when entering a darkened room, basement, or forest, especially if there’s creepy background music playing. But what to do about the very real world, very freaky possibility of being in a vehicle that’s sinking into a body of water. Whether it’s been caused by a man wearing the face of Captain Kirk or not, if you find yourself in this situation, there are definite steps you should take and not take.
Yeah, I think about these things. It can’t be all Captain Kirk.
AAA has a great guide, including a poster and a video for what to do in that sinking car situation. So check it out and maybe use this as an excuse to see what emergency gear you have in your car before you have to check it out on some isolated country road and, I’m sure that man in the hockey mask approaching us is just a local sports fan…