Various and Sundry

A Look Inside the Gateway Arch

Not being from, or not having any occasion to pass through, St. Louis, I’ll admit I haven’t thought much about the Gateway Arch to the extent that I had no idea who designed it, who built it, and when (I mean, besides the reasonable premise that it was post-WWII and probably before Tom Hanks played Forrest Gump).

So I found myself captivated by this roughly 15-minute animation by Jared Owen that explains how the Arch was constructed and and that there’s a tram system inside it. This may be well-known fact to Missourians and fans of American landmarks, but it was exciting news to me… and definitely adds another argument to check this particular monument sometime in my travels:

As interesting as the animation is, I was curious about what it’s actually like… and again, a YouTuber delivers… actually someone who could add some local color about the Arch:

So there you have it. Have you been to the Arch? Been inside it? How does it rate? How about compared to, say, Forrest Gump?

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