Raves Various and Sundry

Vikings on Horseback… as Anime!

Given my name and the fact that I’m a cinemaniac, it should come as no surprise that I enjoy seeing Vikings on the big screen. I mean, all seven or nine of my regular readers know I like to post about Vikings.

And my brother and I have a particular love of the Rohirrim from Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings (whose film versions aforementioned readers may recall are always somewhere in my list of 50 Favorite FIlms) because, let’s face it: they’re Vikings on horseback. Now we have a Mongol reference and, okay, my family’s surprising Mongol connection is a story for another time, but add anime to the mix and teenage me would be counting down the days for this to open at a theater near you:

Nowadays, I have plenty of stuff to occupy my brain before it comes out, but nevertheless, I am pumped.

(Mind you, if you want animation, more explicit Norsemen along with Norse gods, and, well, basically everything being more explicit in a sex and violence kind of way, there’s Zach Snyder’s Twilight of the Gods coming out).

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