Many of you, knowing my project management tendencies, know I make lists — and by this time, it’s quite clear I’m a fan of ranking, so how could I say no to a ranking of Muppets recently conducted by NPR?
Do I agree with all the rankings? Of course not. That doesn’t make the list any less wonderful.
Mind you, the article does reference the Chaos/Order Theory of Muppets first proposed by Dahlia Lithwick in a 2012 article for Slate. So you should read it first if you haven’t beforehand.
Not only is this theory potentially one of the best contributions by Gen X to modern philosophical thought, reading this article is integral to understanding how the Muppets were ranked. Because you, right now are either an Order Muppet or a Chaos Muppet. You will read the ranking from that point of view.
(I say this for the benefit of my fellow Order Muppets out there that would prefer to be Chaos Muppets and resent the heck out of the fact that we can only be zany in the narrowest of occasions).
So now I leave it to my Order Muppet patronus Kermit to say, “On with the show!”