I have been dealing with a number of deadlines for the past few weeks from Team J to my own writing… and of course, with my project management hat on, I’m always looking for ways to manage the lists and lists and lists of to-dos more effectively.
I’m sure I’m not the only project manager who gets calm by organizing or revising a to-do list. For all there is to do, it does feel like bringing some order to the chaos. But at the same time, there’s usually a lot to do. Frankly, looking at my lists in Workflowy, I have no idea when I’m going to get to everything. Some days, it really, really helps to total up all the different things you’ve done.
(For parents, this goes double.)
So when I read L.V. Anderson’s article a couple weeks ago about trying to have a “Done List,” I have to say it resonated.
Of course, I only had a chance to post this now. But then again, now I get to put this post on my “Done List.”